Manuals, Data Sheets & Safety Data Sheets
H-4204D Digital-Penetrometer (Product Manual PDF)
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Used to determine the bearing capacity of sub-grades, or to measure soil compaction. It‘s light and easy-to-handle in the field, and provides a rapid means of determining the penetration resistance of soil in shallow exploration surveys. This penetrometer features a direct-read, digital gauge that is calibrated directly to a master load cell with an accuracy of 0.1 psi. This direct-read feature eliminates computations and charts to determine what the psi readings are. The penetrometer comes with a 30°, 1 in2. (6.45 cm2) cone; a 37.25" x 0.75" (19mm) dia.. shaft, graduated at 6"(152mm) intervals, and a cast-aluminum, two-hand-style handle.
H-4204D Digital-Penetrometer (Product Manual PDF)
Available 2" (51mm) to 6" (152mm) diameter. Overall length 48" (1219mm).
Provides a rapid check of the stability of foundations, excavations and trenches
Offers increased accuracy and ease of operation compared to a spring-type timer.
Four-channel analog data logger provides easy and accurate data acquisition as stand-alone or computer-controlled
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